Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dismayed that Democrats & Latinos are Dissed again

On October 19th. 1992, I wrote an op ed piece in the New York Times. objecting to Mary Matalin's slur, on Latinos by being labled as "Clintonistas". Today as I was watching Meet the Press with Tom Brokaw; I was shocked and hurt to hear the old slur resurected, when he labeling all former Clinton Appointees as "Clintonistas". The Clinton Administration had many appointees of divergent ethnicities and political inclinations and views. As a former Clinton Appointee, I feel very offended and objectified by Mr. Brokaws off hand description. Clintonistas still evokes pictures of Sandinistas and Communism. The comment is especialy hurtfull given the outragous Republican charges made during the Presidential Campaign that Obama and Democrats in general are communist, like we are somehow less Americans or less patriotic if we disagree with Republican views. I hope this will put a stop to being labl ed as "Clintonistas".

--Darlene Cocco-Adams Esq.

P.O Box 684 Lusby, MD 20657

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